My Dad and Affiliate Marketing

One of the most common emails I get is people inquiring about how my father is progressing in the world of affiliate marketing. So I’ll give you guys a little update on what’s happening.

He hasn’t sold his dental practice yet, so he’s still waiting on that to go full-time online. The contracts are all drawn up, the buyer (his friend) just has to make his final decision and sign. Aside from that, my dad still is learning on the side. He decided to be Miss Independent and go out and buy like 8 books on affiliate marketing, PPC, and stock day trading (he said he wanted to give this an attempt as well). I told him he should have just asked me for helpful links that would have taught him just as much, but he’s happy taking his books to work with him and says he’s learning a little more each day. When we go out for family dinners he usually has quite a few questions to ask, but he seems to be understanding it more and more as I answer them.

Once he (hopefully) sells his practice, I’ll be having him apply for a few networks and putting him in touch with my affiliate managers. He shouldn’t have a problem being accepted anywhere, so he’ll have all of my AMs to bug when he has small questions or wants suggestions on offers.

So, that’s what he’s been up to. Learning bit by bit PPC, as well as looking into doing some day trading. I’ll let you guys know if anything else major happens, and when he starts doing this full time.


  1. January 9, 2008

    Nice, looking forward to hearing his progress

  2. Alex
    January 9, 2008

    Day trading?

    Good luck, hopefully it’s done with disposable income.

    It’s not sustainable!!!

  3. John
    January 9, 2008

    Whats up with Azoogle, Neverblue, Copeac etc. not responding to e-mails and applications? You need to stroke their cock to get in?

  4. January 9, 2008

    If he’s looking for an education in trading, pick up the book, Tools and Tactics for the Master DayTrader by Velez and Capra. The free trial (2 weeks free in the trading room)at would give him a taste of trading. There educational classes aren’t cheap, but neither is learning the hard way.


  5. Bill
    January 10, 2008

    I’m your dad’s age, and also just getting started. (Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough foresight to breed my own mentor – lucky for me you blog!)

    Waking up in the morning to see that money came in overnight is really a nice little experience. It was like the tooth fairy came by. I think that gives a buzz at any age. But not quite as impressive as having my own kid teach me to how make money.

  6. January 10, 2008

    Good, may be you can help me get started as well. :P

  7. January 10, 2008

    Thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next ones.

  8. January 10, 2008

    At this point, it seems that he is trying different earning methods (PPC/stock trading) on for size, and that is actually recommended, since he can see what works best for him, what he is passionate about and take it from there.

    Alan Johnson

  9. January 10, 2008

    thats cool man I am sure he will be glad he went to online and stock trading… even with affiliate markets changing like stocks are there is still tons of money in both! :)

  10. January 10, 2008

    I need to start breeding for the future…

  11. January 10, 2008

    is there an equivelant to shorting stocks in AM?

  12. January 10, 2008

    Good luck to your Dad – I’ve been trying PPC the past few weeks, and it’s been fun to say the least. It’s funny…even watching those $1.50 leads trickling in gives you a nice warm feeling, even though in reality, it’s peanuts!

  13. January 10, 2008

    As far as day trading is concerned, I would always suggest being more than careful since there are a lot of traps one can easily fall for (definitely more than with PPC, for example).

    Alan Johnson

  14. January 11, 2008

    same here.. got lots to learn about PPC.. ive tried some free stuffs with bidvertiser’s works fine.. now i’m going for mix and match.. just to learn things my way..

  15. January 11, 2008

    I think it’s great that your Dad is going at this! How many of us have parents who are retired or very close too it and they don’t know how they are going to manage on SS? I know it’s that way with mine, and I also want to be able to be there to help them through the lean times, either due to my working, or getting them going on their own!

    Love hearing updates on your Dad and look forward to more soon.


  16. January 12, 2008

    I look forwards to reading’s blog ;)

  17. January 12, 2008

    Is great to hear that your Dad is doing well. Keep us updated on the situation.

  18. January 13, 2008

    Frst off, my mom passed away when I was five and my dad was a police officer and he just passed away last year. I’m only in my 30’s and a former IBM systems analyst, but for the life of me, I personally wouldn’t understand why on earth somebody would sell a successful Dental practice to get into affiliate marketing. Being a Dentist is an honest, honourable trade, but let’s face it, w all know what affiliate marketing is. It’s a con game, there is no honour and it’s a struggle at best to keep earning on a steady basis.

    Oh, btw, please tell your dad to be careful daytrading and to watch out for the #1 common mistake, TAXES … This is coming from somebody who had to get my NASD 7&63 license when I was working a contract for Raymond James through Big Blue.

    One more tip for your pops, if he wnts to play daytrader, the real money is made in options and shorting. I’ve been shorting GOOG since it was at $700 and I made a freaking bundle when it went below $650. I’m currently shorting it at $600…

  19. January 16, 2008

    Hope he is gonna do great with affiliate,

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