Uber Affiliate Guide : Put in Your $0.02

So I think paying for any knowledge on affiliate marketing is ridiculous (for the most part), there’s so much free crap on the internet you can become a millionaire without paying a dime to learn it. When broken down into it’s simplest form, affiliate marketing is pretty basic :

1) Learn the basic techniques and a few tricks.
2) Test them out. Keep what works and ditch what doesn’t.

In an effort to save you all (especially new affiliates) from blowing money on something that you can find for free, I’m going to sift through the internet and through various free sources (blog posts, forum posts, etc), I’m going to create the only guide on affiliate marketing you’ll ever need. It will not just be static, it’ll be constantly updated as new things happen that people post or blog about.

If you’re new or a beginner at affiliate marketing, I’m telling you that this guide will be all you need to kick you off the ground and get you going with affiliate marketing. There will be links and articles on signing up for networks, picking niches, creating landing pages, keyword research, conversion tracking, real life trials and experiments, extra tricks, etc. I may actually charge a few bucks for it, that’s how awesome it’s going to be….


Anyways, here’s what I want from you, oh faithful readers. If you have any links that in your opinion should be added to the guide, head over to the contact page, fill out the form, and leave any links to blog posts or forum posts that you think are worthy. They can be written by you, as well as others.

And in the end, if any of you read every link in the guide and then go out and buy a Make Money With Google Adwords eBook, I’ll ban your IP from this blog and shun you.

September 28, 2007

Excellent stuff. Tough job as there is mountains of free rubbish out there also to filter out.

  • Kiley
    September 28, 2007

    Just don’t do another forum, paid or otherwise. LOL

  • Desmond
    September 28, 2007

    Sould like a plan. Cant wait to take action on it.


  • September 28, 2007

    “…there’s so much free crap on the internet you can become a millionaire without paying a dime to learn it.”

    100% agreed. SEO, Marketing, Affiliate info, etc… all of it should be free and is. If someone is offering to charge you for this knowledge, don’t do it. There is nothing you will glean that you can’t easily find on Google or blogs such as this.

    Keep up the great work!

  • September 28, 2007

    Kiley – no thank you fo sho, ha

    I’m going to start compiling links tonight, should be ready to rumble by Monday I’m hoping.

  • Bright Idea
    September 29, 2007

    Don’t pay for it. That’s been obvious for quite a while. You said:

    1) Learn the basic techniques and a few tricks.
    2) Test them out. Keep what works and ditch what doesn’t.

    Yeah, good, so what are you offering your readers here? Ever think of spelling out the basics since you raised the issue? Which tricks? How to test them? What does generally work and what is a waste of time? Can you add something worthwhile to your entry?

    Sorry, but I won’t promote my website. I am posting here because you didn’t offer anything of value in this post. I suggest that you do so or lose readers. As if we all know what your 1) and 2) tips actually mean? I love your site and I like what you usually have to offer but where is the value in this post?


  • September 30, 2007

    If you’ll read the post again, it’s just announcing that I’m compiling a guide of useful links, and the point of the post is to tell people to email me any links they have found very helpful and think are worthy of being in the guide.

    The post isn’t supposed to contain any actual learning info, it’s just asking for suggestions on links if anybody has them.

    The actual guide will be out within the next couple days.

  • Toki Tover
    June 4, 2008

    You had stated that it we would be stupid and it is ridiculous to pay for affiliate marketing info. (for the most part) right? Now you got ubercamp. So does that fit into the “for the most part”? ;)

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