Blog Makeover Coming, Friday Ramblings, Etc.

This post is just going be a little update with things going on with this blog/my life/anything I want to talk about. Because man am I busy as a mother lately, it gets tough trying to balance a hundred different projects at once.

EDIT : I realized yesterday was this blog’s 1 month anniversary. Aweee.

One of my project deals with this blog : she’s getting a makeover.

Now I’m not paying a thousand bucks for a fancy unique template because who really cares at this point – you’re getting the information from me and that’s all that should matter. That being said, after having this template for a while, I really don’t like the functionality of it, and think I could make it better for you guys. I’m currently at work on drawing up my own theme, customized from a free basic one. I’m using the free theme as a shell, and kind of tearing it apart myself. I’m not all the best at designing, but it’s more of a fun thing for me, like putting a puzzle together. I may have an RSS logo show up in a random spot, and where it’ll take a designer 2 minutes to fix it, it’ll take me 15 minutes to figure it out. It’s a waste of my time haha, but still kind of relaxing and fun for me. Some of the major changes in functionality :

An even bigger RSS button. You won’t be able to miss it this time.

White background. I’m still going to keep this themes colors with the greys and reds, but people have contacted me letting me know that it’s kind of hard to read the text on the grey background if they’re tired or something (which I can see and understand). So now it should be easier for everybody.

Adspace. Now before you all start crying about me finally putting ads up: is it really going to hurt you at all? The content will not change, and all the money I make from advertisements is just going to go back into promoting this blog. This blog is a cool side opportunity for me to kind of relax and write as well as help people, but I don’t want to take my affiliate budget and start spending it on this blog. It’s not going to be spammed with ads, there’s just going to be a few “blogger blocks”. So right now I’ll announce it to anybody interested : contact me if you’re interested in being some of the first sponsors of this blog. It’s growing pretty fast, and will only grow faster (which means more exposure to your ad) as I get more cash to promote it.

Popular posts. The Uber Affiliate Guide is just a sweet post that everyone should read, but it may be hard for someone to find it that’s new to the blog. So I’ll have that along with other longer-length articles in a little “popular posts” box. Plus, they’re all the rage so I have to have one. I guess this means I should write up another long kickass article to help fill it…

Alright that’s enough about the blog. Expect changes in the next week or so. Aside from the blog, I have a ton of other things going on :

-posting on the blog, duh.

-a large affiliate campaign launched about 3 weeks ago that still needs a lot of attention.

-reading up on SEO, trying to find time to get that site ready.

-domaining, thanks to Jon, who has gotten me re-addicted to searching them and now starting to buy more and more.

-a concept for a viral site that I want to pursue very soon. I have to talk to programmers and designers, the task should be pretty easy for them, it’s just whether or not the idea will spread. No risk no reward though, so I’ll probably burn a couple k there.

-getting all of this done before Adtech in November.

-…ummm…a social life? I do have one lol, so I have to work in time for that (usually weekends).

And now to conclude this very random post, I’ll do my version of the Shoemoney “free t-shirt Friday” thing. It was actually a couple weeks ago that I got some really cool gifts from the Discovery Channel Store. They sent me a MythBusters DVD set, and a sweet weather forecaster. I can now read how freaking cold it’s going to be in Buffalo without opening the door in my PJs and giving my nads a chilling awakening.

discovery channel

I looooooooooooove free stuff. It gives me a few seconds of glory before I realize again how much money I give the government in taxes, which then I immediately go back to a corner and start weeping.

Happy weekend.


  1. Desmond
    October 12, 2007

    Congrats one month down many more to come….cant wait to see tha changes.


  2. October 12, 2007

    Hey man, go for it on the ads. Drives me nuts when people complain about ads on websites… gotta pay the bills, right?

    Great stuff, man.


  3. October 12, 2007

    Mythbusters Rocks!@

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